I can't quite figure out if our Leftist President is a socialist or communist. Let's look at the facts.
1. Obama has a new friend in Hugo Chavez, the leftist President of Venezuela.
2. Obama wants to open further dialogue with Fidel Castro in Cuba.
3. The Obama administration is supporting a Chavez backed President in Honduras who was recently exiled by the Honduran government in order to preserve democracy. Despite the fact that the legislative and judicial branches of Honduras were in agreement that leftist Manuel Zelaya could not put forth a ballot initiative for a 2nd term according to the Honduran Constitution, Zelaya reached out to his leftist friends (Chavez and Obama seen above) to set the stage for communism under his dictatorship in Honduras.
4. With whom is Obama spending the 4th of July weekend? Why with Russian Prime Minister and new best friend Vladimir Putin (who has visions of further dictatorship himself). Putin wants the US to give up our "Star Wars" anti-missile protection programs in Poland, the Czech Republic and throughout Europe in order to re-establish better relations with Russia, at the potential expense of the safety of our current allies.
5. North Korea is set to launch a long range missile towards Obama's home state of Hawaii on July 4th. This has the potential for serious escalation. Yet how is the President spending the weekend? Well with Putin of course and a party for his daughter Malia and 20 or so friends. Obama said in reference to the tween party, "It's a little bit intimidating." Isn't a nuclear missile fired at the US a little more intimidating than a party of 20 tweens?
. Europe is moving away from 40 years of failed socialist programs, while the Obama administration is adding new government ownership of our economy faster than a speeding TGV. Before Obama began this governmental coup of our market economy, 33% of the US economy was controlled by the government. Since the failed stimulus package (to date failure to create any jobs to thwart an increase in un-employment), takeover of GM (Governmental Motors), financial institutions, etc, the US is up to 39%. If he adds Obamacare, that will make the level 45%. France is currently at 51% and Germany 49%. We are not far behind!
7. The French are cutting taxes. Pourquoi? Maybe they've finally figured out that putting money in the hands of the people does more to increase economic activity than government ownership of the economy. Wow brilliant, maybe Adam Smith was right and Marx, Lenin, Castro, Chavez (and our latest addition Obama) are all dead wrong.
My fear is that the moves of the leftist Obama Administration will set our economy back several decades.
Enjoy your 4th of July weekend Mr. President as you continue considering new ways to surge further left and support all your communist friends!