First off, prayers to those in Haiti, suffering from the earthquakes.
Congratulations to Senator Scott Brown from Massachusetts! Ted Kennedy must be rolling in his grave.
One year into the Obama Presidency, and we have a disaster. My new nickname for Obama is "Liar in Chief."
Obama ran on a platform to change the atmosphere in Washington, with a new spirit of cooperation, bipartisanship, and a rejection of special interest politics. The reality is, this administration has holed up in secret meetings (no Republicans allowed), and cut back room deals with special interest groups (Unions) to try and ram a very unpopular Health Care Reform bill through Congress.
We the people are not stupid. Or as the Clinton campaign used in 1992, "it's the economy stupid." The people want jobs. They want an economy that is expanding. And they do not want further government intrusion into their lives. In 2009, unemployment was at 7.5%. Obama slammed through a trillion dollar stimulus package, that promised to create jobs. Well, it failed miserably. Unemployment is now at 10%.
Now, I should stop right here, and not give away the farm. But I want our government to succeed. I want prosperity. The only way to save the Obama Presidency is to take a page from the Clinton Presidency. Clinton tried to run with a liberal agenda his first two years in office (Gays in the Military, Health Care Reform), and then the republicans swept into power in the House and Senate under the leadership of Newt Gingrich. Clinton learned to govern from the center, work with the Republicans. Cut taxes, cut spending. And for the most part, his Presidency experienced a great awakening of the American economy (assisted by the internet and technology boom of the 90s).
It appears, that Republicans will lay waste to many of the Democrats currently in office in the the November 2010 elections. Obama won't have carte blanche anymore. If he wants any chance at re-election, he needs to immediately abandon the liberal agenda, and do what works to improve the economy. Cut spending, cut taxes.