California is a republic (see our state flag), not a democracy. What does that mean? We elect our representatives to decide what is best for us. Which also indicates we shouldn't have so many propositions on the ballots. Leave that to our elected representatives. So vote for conservatives, who will best represent the great state of California by lowering taxes and out of control spending. Here's how I'm going to vote and why.
US Senator - Carly Fiornia. 15% unemployment? Government spending out of control? Boxer would continue to raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. 28 years is enough.
Governor - Meg Whitman. Meg has a plan. Jerry admitted he doesn't have one. You need a plan to fix California's mess.
Prop 19 - NO. Legalize marijuana? Every major police organization and politician is a no on PROP 19.
Prop 20 - YES. Allows bipartisan and citizen input on redistricting.
Prop 21 - NO. Increase taxes to pay for State Parks? Only $18? Still, I don't trust the government to spend our money well. We are over taxed.
Prop 22 - YES. Theoretically prohibits state government from raiding local government funds. I'm voting YES because the California Teacher's Union is voting NO, and the Teacher's Union isn't concerned about better education, rather concerned about protecting their enormous pensions and benefits.
Prop 23 - YES YES YES. Stops global warming business restrictions until economy approves. If this doesn't pass, approximately 1 million jobs will be lost.
Prop 24 - NO. This is an attempt to increase taxes on corporations, thus killing jobs. Unions are for this, business is against. I'm with business. Vote NO.
Prop 25 - NO. Call for simple majority to raise taxes and pass budget. Democrats want to raise taxes in California, and the 2/3 vote required today thwarts a lot of those tax schemes. Unions want a YES so they get more revenue. So vote NO.
Prop 26 - YES. Requires 2/3 vote to pass new taxes, fees, levies, charges. We are over taxed as it is in California. Tax and spend is failed economic policy. Reduce taxes, reduce spending, then our economy will boom again.
Prop 27 - NO. This is an attempt by California Senate to continue to redistrict and keep their cushy government jobs. This is the anti Prop 20, which will allow for fairer redistricting. Where I live in Westchester, we used to vote in the South Bay, in which republicans would be competitive. But our more conservative district was re-drawn, and given to Inglewood and Maxine Waters, and which now keeps South Bay democratic, and no loss to Maxine who despite corruption charges, wins easily every time.