Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9-12 Project

I support the 9-12 Project.

Please read more:

9-12 Project

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Americans want a free economy

Another great Wall Street Journal article about the Obama administration and the leftist democrats who are out of touch with Americans. Obama's approval ratings are plummeting, because we don't like the type of hope and change occurring. Less governmental involvement not more. Less spending, not more. The reality of "hope and change" is frightening, a bullet train ride to socialism. National debt projection up to 17 trillion? Why doesn't Washington get the message, that we want less spending, less taxes, and less intrusion in our lives?

Here's the article from the WSJ:

Why Obama's Approval Ratings Are Sinking

Monday, August 17, 2009

RNC take note, Marketing won 08, not ideas.

This is brilliant. So brilliant in fact I'm going to email it to one of my LMU Marketing Professors as an example of successful branding and the inclusion of Iconography.

In review, ideas didn't win the election for Obama in 08', Marketing did. We see now that this administration has very limited ideas on how to run the country, but marketing, wow!


WSJ Article, Anti-American Amigos, Obama to the Left.

Anti-American Amigos. Great WSJ aricle on Obama's move towards socialism.

Revolution Obama!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama's Health Scare

For days, weeks, months, I've been crafting a response to the leftist agenda to socialize our medicine in America. In short, if we socialize our medicine, here's what will happen. When I lived in France, I observed two types of healthcare. The socialized coverage for the masses (wait your turn, wait some more, wait, keep waiting...), and the aristocratic care (those with wealth get preference, cash gets you treatment, surgery, whatever you need). Ironic that the socialists want to level the playing field, when the reverse occurs under communism/socialism. Think Russia for 40 years, where those in power held all the wealth, while the masses suffered.

Therefore, the rich will end up getting the best health care under a black market of cash for services. This is already happening. Our Primary Care Physician in Beverly Hills a few years back went cash only. No insurance, cash only. Amazing. She could pull that off working in Beverly Hills, but soon it may be the same in Des Moines, Denver and Dayton.

Lastly, if you are struggling to find good mass media conservative coverage, I recommend reading the Wall Street Journal Daily, and Forbes magazine.

Here's a good WSJ article to start:


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mitt 2012?

With all of the buzz a "twitter" about Palin resigning as Alaska governor for a potential Presidential run, the Wall Street Journal suggests Mitt Romney may be the best candidate to challenge Obama in 2012. I supported Mitt in 2008 and would do so in 2012 as his core conservative values align with my own. Selfishly I'd love to see him as California's next Governor or Senator (he owns a house in La Jolla), but his business acumen and governmental experience may be better served in the White House.

Here is the WSJ article:


Friday, July 3, 2009

Our leftist President, Obama the socialist or communist?

I can't quite figure out if our Leftist President is a socialist or communist. Let's look at the facts.

1. Obama has a new friend in Hugo Chavez, the leftist President of Venezuela.

2. Obama wants to open further dialogue with Fidel Castro in Cuba.

3. The Obama administration is supporting a Chavez backed President in Honduras who was recently exiled by the Honduran government in order to preserve democracy. Despite the fact that the legislative and judicial branches of Honduras were in agreement that leftist Manuel Zelaya could not put forth a ballot initiative for a 2nd term according to the Honduran Constitution, Zelaya reached out to his leftist friends (Chavez and Obama seen above) to set the stage for communism under his dictatorship in Honduras.

4. With whom is Obama spending the 4th of July weekend? Why with Russian Prime Minister and new best friend Vladimir Putin (who has visions of further dictatorship himself). Putin wants the US to give up our "Star Wars" anti-missile protection programs in Poland, the Czech Republic and throughout Europe in order to re-establish better relations with Russia, at the potential expense of the safety of our current allies.

5. North Korea is set to launch a long range missile towards Obama's home state of Hawaii on July 4th. This has the potential for serious escalation. Yet how is the President spending the weekend? Well with Putin of course and a party for his daughter Malia and 20 or so friends. Obama said in reference to the tween party, "It's a little bit intimidating." Isn't a nuclear missile fired at the US a little more intimidating than a party of 20 tweens?

. Europe is moving away from 40 years of failed socialist programs, while the Obama administration is adding new government ownership of our economy faster than a speeding TGV. Before Obama began this governmental coup of our market economy, 33% of the US economy was controlled by the government. Since the failed stimulus package (to date failure to create any jobs to thwart an increase in un-employment), takeover of GM (Governmental Motors), financial institutions, etc, the US is up to 39%. If he adds Obamacare, that will make the level 45%. France is currently at 51% and Germany 49%. We are not far behind!

7. The French are cutting taxes. Pourquoi? Maybe they've finally figured out that putting money in the hands of the people does more to increase economic activity than government ownership of the economy. Wow brilliant, maybe Adam Smith was right and Marx, Lenin, Castro, Chavez (and our latest addition Obama) are all dead wrong.

My fear is that the moves of the leftist Obama Administration will set our economy back several decades.

Enjoy your 4th of July weekend Mr. President as you continue considering new ways to surge further left and support all your communist friends!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor, The Right Choice for the Supreme Court?

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"

I share the same dream of Martin Luther King, that one day, character will matter more than race or gender. Unfortunately, today's announcement of Sonia Sotomayor as President Obama's nominee for the US Supreme Court makes me doubt the sincerity of his choice, and the overall intention of the Obama White House, Democrats controlling congress, and the Liberal dominated national media.

The main focus of the press today has not been on Sot
omayor's qualifications, experience or political rhetoric, that indicate her preparedness to ascend to the Supreme Court. The main topic is her race and gender, that of the first hispanic woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court.

For the record, in reviewing Sotomayor's experience and qualifications, I do feel she merits a nomination to the Supreme Court. This does not mean that I agree with her tendency to define the law and implement policy, rather than act as a judge that interprets and defends the constitution.

Perhaps one day, in our great nation, we will achieve Dr. King's dream of placing more value on character than race. Indeed, we have progressed tremendously since the day when Dr. King fought for civil rights. However, the media's emphasis on race and gender over character demonstrates that we have a long way to go to achieve Dr. King's dream.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's over! LA Times calls it. No more blaming Bush.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Breaking News: Obama's Health Care Plan Revealed.

Obama's ambitious health care plan for America was finally revealed this week. The commander in chief (or is it now the commander in health care service announcements), guilted us all into doing what most mothers taught us years ago: Wash your hands. Let's analyze this brilliant plan!

1. Everybody wash your hands!!!
2. If anyone forgets to wash their hands, cancel everything and have Obama deliver another health care announcement!!!
3. Wait until a major flu epidemic, then hire a Secretary of Public Health! (Sebelius ((sounds like a flu strain to me)) sworn in just this week). Did they check if she paid her taxes?
4. If everyone washes their hands, illnesses will decrease, thus the need for a real comprehensive health care reform is irrelevant. Costs go down, need for care reduced.
5. Call France, Canada, UK find out how well their socialist medicial care is going. Kidney transplant anyone?
6. Why didn't Hillary think of this first?

Welcome to Insane Conservative

In order to secure a more perfect Blog, based upon conservative principles of governance, the Insane Conversative was created.

About the author: Most bloggers may have a higher IQ than me. But I doubt many have more years of post-High School education. BA, BA, MA, PhD Studies, MBA. That adds up to 12 years of post high-school education at BYU, NYU, La Sorbonne, UCLA, and LMU. (There is a white lie in that list, and if you are the first to find it, lunch on me). My proudest title may be that of PhD dropout. A long story that I may relate in a future blog. Therefore, what to do with all the knowledge gleaned in classrooms in places as diverse as Provo, Utah [sic], Los Angeles [no sic], New York City [double no sic], Paris, France [triple no sic], (a second white lie, the prize now dinner on me). And after 25+ years of speaking french, I finally figured out why some foolish Americans erroneously use the phrase: "Pardon my French", at which point I usually cut them off (borderline insanity), before they offend my Mormon trained ears (not all Mormons swear, although Golden Kimball was quite good at it), and say "Well, I speak French fluently, and you probably are not about to use any form of French words. However keep in mind that the only French word I know that you may be about to abuse is a noun, not a verb."